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Art Openings

Game of Drones Art Opening [Video]

"And what do you make of that then, Jon Snow? Hoth it gotten you curious?"

Thank you all for the overwhelmingly well-attended opening of Game of Drones! It was so great to see so many faces of friends old and new. Each Art By Brenan Extravaganza is about the coming together of great people, and this show may have taken it to the next level. People from North and South, East and West were all in attendance, having flown-in and then being bused-in just for the show. The Game of Thrones season finale arrived with its highest ratings ever, and drones and drone warfare are increasingly being mentioned in the news, TV and cinema. It now seems only befitting they would come together, yet the idea seemed novel when first proposed a scant 3 months ago. We introduced a new element to the experience, a personal tour by the artist, which enabled many to come to understand the show and its cultural relevance for the very first time. Thank you, Nashville, for showing Chicago what a good time is all about! Thank you, Jackson’s Bar & Bistro, for hosting the return of Art By Brenan after a four-year hiatus. Thank you DJ Spun Counterguy and Event Coverage Nashville for the awesome video below. Winter is coming, but it’s awhile yet. Let’s get out there and enjoy the sunshine!

Art Opening: Game of Drones–HD Video from ArtBy Brenan on Vimeo.

Art by Brenan returns to Jackson’s Nashville after 4 years to bring you his latest effort, as well as an entire busload of dignitaries from Chicago and around the country. Entitled Game of Drones, the show takes the popular HBO program, Game of Thrones, and combines it with the latest in defense and hobbyist technology for a somewhat humorous commentary on the latter.



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