Blog by Brenan

I Bought a Beer for a Raconteur

I bought a beer for a Raconteur.

His name is Brendan Benson.
Actually, it was a glass of wine,
but guys don’t buy other guys a glass of wine
–at least in my mind.
So, I often recollect it as a beer…
and then I catch myself, as I just did.
He was sitting just two stools down from me
at my favorite watering hole (Jackson’s).
I was sort of in disbelief.
A regular guy at the bar,
with his girl & two of his friends,
whose band just happened to have put out
one of the best albums of last year.
That album got me through a lot.
And they brought the word “Raconteur” back into the Lexicon!
A french-derived word used in Old England
to describe a man of great anecdotal prowess.
I’m not one to gush,
and I don’t want things from people I don’t know.
So I asked Meg-O the bartender to let me buy their next round.
He seemed genuinely appreciative,
and we toasted to Memorial Day,
of all things,
because it was, you see,
Memorial Day.

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